Only worth-sharing platform for Software Engineer.
- CS50: introduction to Computer Science from Harvard (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, Python, SQL, Flash, C).
- Python for everyone: The instructor prep really good material and explanation.
- Django for everyone: If you like the above, you might like this as well.
- Backend API development with Nodejs: if you completed the above, this even much easier.
- JavaScript 30 days: If you are clueless about DOM or how to use JS in the web, this will always be the good one to start with.
- TheOdinProject: Ruby on rails or JavaScript
- Hyperskills: Another great platform for learning (project-based learning)
- Eloquent JavaScript: For those preference to learn with textbook.
Learning platform
- Clerk: simplest to implement authetnication and authorization.
Productivity tools
- Compressor for optimizing image
- Obsidian || Lumen: Note taking app.
- Flameshot: screenshot with in-app editing.
- Excalidraw: drawing on web
- Editing screenshot:
Cool sites:
Form builder
Node libraries:
JavaScript utilities
Social media / Open Graph / Analytics
Shorten links
Headless CMS
- DecapCMS: git-based markdown CMS (I find this very easy to use and start with).
- Tina: git-based markdown and mdx (react + markdown)
Tailwind components & templates:
- Shadcn/ui components
- Preline components
- Flowbite components
- Tailblocks — Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks
- Tailwind UI KIT – 250 components and templates for React, VueJS and Angular.
- Meraki UI Tailwind CSS Components
- Tailwind Toolbox - Free Starter Components
- Kitwind | Kometa UI Kit
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