JS array
Some of the useful array methods:
const students = [{
"first_name": "Gerhard",
"last_name": "Gent",
"email": "ggent0@vimeo.com",
"gender": "Agender",
"born": 1973,
"dies": 2039
}, {
"first_name": "Halsey",
"last_name": "Doumic",
"email": "hdoumic1@hc360.com",
"gender": "Male",
"born": 1984,
"dies": 2087
}, {
"first_name": "Shelly",
"last_name": "Dast",
"email": "sdast2@tumblr.com",
"gender": "Bigender",
"born": 2011,
"dies": 2028
}, {
"first_name": "Sansone",
"last_name": "Youd",
"email": "syoud3@businessweek.com",
"gender": "Genderqueer",
"born": 1991,
"dies": 2054
}, {
"first_name": "Rickie",
"last_name": "Giuron",
"email": "rgiuron4@flickr.com",
"gender": "Female",
"born": 1989,
"dies": 2097
}, {
"first_name": "Wandie",
"last_name": "Chipps",
"email": "wchipps5@theglobeandmail.com",
"gender": "Agender",
"born": 1953,
"dies": 2070
}, {
"first_name": "Link",
"last_name": "Pionter",
"email": "lpionter6@1und1.de",
"gender": "Agender",
"born": 1981,
"dies": 2046
}, {
"first_name": "Vidovik",
"last_name": "Klausewitz",
"email": "vklausewitz7@prlog.org",
"gender": "Non-binary",
"born": 1990,
"dies": 2083
}, {
"first_name": "Abe",
"last_name": "Sudell",
"email": "asudell8@slideshare.net",
"gender": "Genderfluid",
"born": 1967,
"dies": 2076
}, {
"first_name": "Kakalina",
"last_name": "Joney",
"email": "kjoney9@tripadvisor.com",
"gender": "Polygender",
"born": 1991,
"dies": 2026
Sorting with console.table
console.log("Sort the students with birth year from recently to oldest");
console.table(students.sort((curr, next) => {return next.born > curr.born ? 1: -1}))
Count students with reduce
console.log("Count how many students that born before 1980")
const countTotal = students.reduce((total, student) => {return total += student.born < 1980 ? 1 : 0}, 0)
console.log("total", countTotal);
console.log("Count how many female and male");
const countGender = students.reduce((obj, student) => {
if (!obj[student.gender]) {
obj[student.gender] = 0;
console.log(student.gender, obj);
return obj;
}, {})
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